Pengawetan Bunga Bangkai Titan Arum (Amorphophallus titanum) LIPI Indonesia - Goyang International Flower Foundation: Pertama di Dunia
1. Preparasi silica gel dan
boks/container kayu
2. Memotong bagian-bagian bunga
dan dibersihkan bagian dalamnya
3. Fixing dengan silica gel dan
dimasukkan ke dalam kotak
Kegiatan di Goyang Flower Center, Korea
1. Penyimpanan tiga kotak
berisi bagian-bagian bunga dalam ruangan (suhu ruang di musim semi)
2. Mengeluarkan Bunga dari
silica gel/boks
3. Memperbaiki bagian-bagian
yang rusak (rekonstruksi)
4. Menyatukan kembali bagian-bagian
5. Display bunga bangkai untuk
Experts from Indonesia (LIPI), Korea and Japan
(L-R: Yuzammi, Dian Latifah, Mr. Lee, Mr. Hwang, Prof. Ikai Masako), background: a cut of the flower spatha preserved in silica gel inside the wooden box ready to unload
(L-R: Yuzammi, Dian Latifah, Mr. Lee, Mr. Hwang, Prof. Ikai Masako), background: a cut of the flower spatha preserved in silica gel inside the wooden box ready to unload
The preserved giant flower displayed in a glass container at International Horticulture Goyang Korea Festival, 27th April-13th May 2013 (Photo by Sofi Mursidawati)
This preserved giant flower was displayed in a glass container in Indonesia Pavillion at the main center of the main gate of Flower Center
Building (World Flower Pavillion). The theme of Indonesia Pavillion is “tropical jungle” under the name of the pavillion “Rare Plants Pavillion”. Crowd watched this rare plant on the opening of the "International Horticulture Festival Goyang Korea" on 27th April 2013. The officials were The Ambassador of The Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Nuramaliati Prijono (Deputy of the Director of LIPI-Indonesian Institute of Sciences), Ir. Mustaid Siregar, MSi. (The Head of Center for Plant Conservation - Bogor Botanic Gardens LIPI), Dra. Sofi Mursidawati MSc and Ir. Sugiarti (Bogor Botanic Gardens Staff).
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