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Friday, April 10, 2015

Identifikasi Patogen pada Bunga Bangkai (Amorphophallus titanum (Becc.) Becc.) Koleksi Kebun Raya Bogor dan Upaya Pengendaliannya.

Wawangningrum, H., D. Latifah, S. Hartini dan Sudarmono.
2014. Identifikasi Patogen pada Bunga Bangkai (Amorphophallus titanum (Becc.) Becc.) Koleksi Kebun Raya Bogor dan Upaya Pengendaliannya. Prosiding Seminar Inovasi Florikultura Nasional 2013. Dipublikasikan pada tahun 2014. Penerbit: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura, Jakarta. p 508-515.
ISBN: 978-979-8257-51-3


Amorphophallus titanum (Becc.) Becc. ex Arcang or corpse flower is a member of the family of Araceae.  Bogor Botanic Gardens as an ex situ conservation institution also have several collection of the plants, however some of them were wilt and rot due to disease attack.  The diseases on the corpse flower collections become one of serious problems inmaintaining their sustainability.  The study aimed to identify types of pathogen attack this plant.  Based on identification and observation on the life collections of these species, it was known that the pathogen attacked the corpse flowers was Sclerotium rolfsii and Fusarium solani.  Both fungi are categorized as soil borne diseases.  S. rolfsii caused stem rot, while F. solani caused wilt and rot in A. titanum.  The patogen information was important to determine the most suitable controlling method.  The pathogen can be controlled biologically, mechanically and chemically.

Key words: Amorphophallus titanum, pathogen, Fusarium solani, Sclerotium rolfsii

 Please don't hesitate to contact us if you require the full paper.

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