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Sunday, November 25, 2007

My passion in Plant Conservation

Seed sonservation as a plant conservation strategy

As one effort of Plant Conservation, Bogor Botanic Gardens has Seed Conservation section. Great team work: Dian-Soetrisno-Sita. For the establishment, improvement and development process, we would thank to: Amas, M.E. and my colleagues: Bpk/Ibu Engkom, Yuniar, Mimin, Harun, Elly, Melani.

This work involves researches in seed ecology, reproductive phenology, seed germination and seedling recruitment and survival as well as plant regeneration that set me work in the field/forests, glass/shade house and laboratory.

Raising public awareness for plant conservation

Education Program & environmental activities for Plant Conservation

involved in "Greening Townsville" Program worked together with JCU Students (enrolled BT3410 and BT5410: Revegetation and Land Rehabilitation) and City Councill Staff revegetated for three days between August-October 2006. I will be involved during my study at JCU until 2010

Consultant in "Greening School: working together Cianjur-Jakarta elementary school students" July 2007, collaborative project: PT Bayer, Bogor Botanic, Cibodas Botanic Garden and NGO's.

Program Coordinator: "Greening School Project by Outreaching" project was funded by PT Bayer Indonesia and LIPI: Center of Plant Conservation-Bogor Botanic Garden and Cibodas Botanic Garden (2004-2006)

Program Coordinator: Talk Show “Through Dongeng/fairy tales, Children learn how to behave with the environment” (October 2005) with national qualified presenters (Poetri, Henny, Danar) and promotion of CD "Lintang Sahabat Alam"-"Lintang friend of nature"

more: Greenscapes, Hijauraya


Anonymous said...

bagus sekali mbak programnya, suatu saat saya juga ingin sekali bisa berbagi ilmu dengan adik2 di tingkat sekolah dasar-menengah, terutama sekolah saya dulu ...

Dian Latifah said...

Hi Sasa, terimakasih atas kunjungannya. Smoga tercapai ya rencanamu, smoga kegiatan volunteer lingkungan hidup makin memasyarakat di Indonesia.